USCIS announced that it will start accepting filing fee for application for Naturalization by credit card, with no additional fee. Applicants may choose to pay the N-400 filing fee with credit card using form G-1450.
On September 24, 2015, USCIS announced that it will start accepting filing fee for application for Naturalization by credit card, with no additional fee. Applicants may choose to pay the N-400 filing fee with credit card using form G-1450.
The method of accepting credit card payment for filing fee is not paid on line, because applicants will have to fill out form G-1450 and send in with the application package.
When USCIS receives the application package, they will charge the filing fee with applicant’s information as appeared on form G-1450, and will destroy the from G-1450 after processing the payment, regardless if the application is accepted or rejected. USCIS will also process the payment one time, and will not try to process the credit card payment again. Therefore, if applicant’s credit card is declined, USCIS will reject the application due to lack of payment.
You can read more about this update, HERE.
Accepting filing fee with credit card payment is one updates responding to President Obama in the attempt to improve immigration process and streamline application process for path U.S. citizenship.
*Important*: Information above is intended for general public information and not legal advice. You should consult with your attorney for your specific answer to your situation.
Our law firm provides services for N-400, contact us to find out more!
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