A swift response from ICE regarding CA SB54 “No choice now, will conduct at-large arrest”.

ICE published an official statement from ICE Acting Director, Tom Homan, today (October 6, 2017), one day after Governor Gerry Brown signed SB54 into law, confirming that they will continue their arrest.

In their press release today, ICE stated in part that “…. ICE will have no choice but to conduct at-large arrests in local neighborhoods and at work sites, which will inevitably result in additional collateral arrests, instead of focusing on arrests at jails and prisons where transfers are safer for ICE officers and the community. ICE will also likely have to detain individuals arrested in California in detention facilities outside of the state, far from any family they may have in California.”

Read more about ICE press release here.

Download it here: Statement from ICE Acting Director Tom Homan on California Sanctuary Law

* This information is provided as general information only, and there is no implied legal advice attached. Consult with your immigration attorney regarding consequences to your immigration situation.

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