USCIS Announces Further Measures to Detect H-1B Visa Fraud and Abuse. USCIS will implement additional measures to deter and detect fraud and abuse in the H-1B Visa Program.
On 04/03/2017, USCIS Announces Further Measures to Detect H-1B Visa Fraud and Abuse.
According to USCIS, the H-1B Visa Program may negatively affect U.S. worker if the employers abuse the program. USCIS will implement additional measures to deter and detect fraud and abuse in the H-1B Visa Program. The measures includes:
1. Expansion of Site Visits. Starting in April 2017, USCIS will take focus on:
– Employers who have a high ratio of H-1B workers as compared to U.S. workers
– Cases where USCIS cannot validate the employer’s basic business information through commercially available data
– Employers who are petitioning for H-1B workers to work off-site at another company or location
– Continue to make unannounced and random visits to allH-1B employers across the country
2. Promoting Transparency
USCIS plans to publish a report on the H-1B visa petitions submitted for fiscal year (FY) 2018 along with data about the petitions after the H-1B cap filing season for FY 2018 concludes. USCIS also plans to create a tool on their website to provide more information on how H-1B visas are being used.
3. Reporting Suspected H-1B Fraud or Abuse
A new email address,, was created to receive information about suspected H-1B fraud or abuse.
You can read more about this update and examples of H-1B fraud indicators, HERE.
Our law firm provides services for H-1B visa. Contact us to find out more if H-1B is right for you!
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